For useing in the cosmetics industry, we offer the following extracts.
Agrimony extract
Type of plant: Agrimonia eupatoria L
Used part of the plant: leaf
Active substances:
Tannins katechines origin, small quantities of tannins containing ellagic acid, gallotannin, triterpene compounds (especially Ursolic acid), silicic acid and its derivatives, vitamin C, choline, saponins and bitter.
Type of plant: Acorus calamus L.
Used part of the plant: rhizome
Active substances:
Essential oils, asarone, camphor, corneol, proazuleny, bitter tannins, choline, vitamin C and slime.
Type of plant: Krameria triandra Ruiz et Pavon
Used part of the plant: Root
Active substances:
Tannins (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) and red tannins (reds – oxidized polymeric proanthocyanidins), neolignan (ratanhia phenols I, II and III).
Oak apple
Type of plant: Quercus infectoria OLIVIER
Used part of the plant: gall growing on bud infected insect Cynips tinctoria Hartge
Active substances:
Tannins (gallotannin acid), gallic acid, m-digall acid, ellagic acid
Type of plant: Salvia officinalis (L.)
Used part of the plant: leaf
Active substances:
essential oil containing mostly thujone, cineol, camphor, borneol, tannins katechines origin (salviatannin), polyphenolic acids (caffeic acid, rosmarinic, chlorogenic and ferulic), triterpenoids (oleanolic acid and Ursolic) diterpenoidní bitter (Carnosol), lactones (Salvin), saponins, resins, vitamins of group B.
Type of plant: Juglans regia L
Used part of the plant: leaf
Active substances:
juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) and hydrojuglon, flavonoids, gallotannin (high ellagic acid) mesoinosid, carotenoids, vitamin C
Witch Hazel
Type of plant: Hamamelis virginiana L.
Used part of the plant: leaf
Active substances:
Tannins (mixture of catechins gallotannin and cyanidin and proanthocyanidins delphininového type), and especially hamamelitannin hamamelóza, catechins, especially (+) – catechin, (+) – gallocatechin, (-) – epicatechin gallate, (-) – epigallocatechin gallate, polyphenolic acids (caffeic acid and gallic), flavonoids such as e.g. kaempferol, quercetin, and kvercitrin isokvercitrin, essential oil (consisting of aliphatic alcohols, carbonyl compounds – ionone, aliphatic esters and traces of safrole.